Client: Bruce Byers
Client has multiple businesses and Rtwerk has created whatever materials they’ve needed. Multiple websites and HTML email blasts and web banner advertising. Printed materials galore: business cards (with multiple “fronts” depicting various destinations), promotional booklets, client give-aways, and photography books to name just a few.
Client is not a deep pockets corporation, so cost-conscious, but effective, strategies have been pursued. Emphasis on effective, because a design solution that doesn’t meet its goals is a waste of time and money.
Each of my projects starts with an exhaustive client meeting to determine the purpose and goals of the project. Then we discuss content.
Client: Harveyco Plumbing
We started out with the basics for this client: a corporate identity closely followed by a website and business cards. Then a fun project: t-shirts to hand out as thank-you’s and to promote the business. Client is adverse to advertising on his trucks because they contain expensive tools and machinery, so this was an alternative way to advertise. I designed the t-shirt logo so that it changes based on the color of the t-shirt. Saves a lot of money in set-up costs.